Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Notch's space MMO game 0x10c

We might be closer to the Matrix universe than we thought - and Minecraft developer, Notch, is confirming it through the new game he is developing.

0x10cis a space MMO set in the year 281.474.976.712.644 AD. Each player has its very own 16-bit computer that is emulated to the lowest possible level. What this means is that you basically have not one, but thousands of computers inside your computer.

Sounds confusing? Well, think about the Matrix. It was supposed to be a computer where our entire world was simulated - including all of our computers. That's basically what this game does - except that it doesn't trap your mind inside its universe.

Back to the gameplay, though, your task is to manage a space ship powered by that computer. The problem, though, is that your generator can only produce so much energy, so you have to carefully manage the energy consumption of everything on the ship.

Now I won't be lying to you - it's a pretty geeky game, but aren't they all in the end?

I for one am very curious on how this project will progress and I have some pretty high expectations from the creator of Minecraft. We'll just have to wait and see how everything turns out, as the game is still extremely early in its development.

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