Friday, August 31, 2012

Funny Google searches that brought you here

Today we're gonna discuss a few Google searches that brought some readers here. As I check the blog's statistics, I sometimes find some really hilarious ones. I won't show them all, as they're way too many - and I won't even show the best ones, as they're too... let's just call them dirty. :)

But I hope the ones you're gonna see will put a smile on your face.
  • call of booty hd milf - Now this is a reference to our second Gaming pic of the Week, but there's something interesting about it. They want it in HD. Now I'm not a porn expert, but I don't think there's a porn movie called "Call of Booty: MILF". So far, at least. While for the picture, it's just a meme - see it, read it and move on. What's the point in seeing it in high definition?
  • cute gaming pics - Gaming is not cute, my friend. Gaming is a serious deal, okay? If you want to play something cute, go steal your sister's Barbie dolls.
  • funny and cute dogs - And how did you get here by searching that? We're all about gaming here and, as mentioned below, that is not a cute thing. B*tch please, we're professionals. :D
  • hot brunette sexy blogspot - When I read this I can't stop from splitting it into two separate "searches": "hot brunette" and "sexy blogspot". Now there's not much to say about the first one, but on the latter... yeah bro, I think blogspot is sexy too. :)
  • stuff you can do to trick your friends in minecraft - You know what? This is actually a pretty cool one - I might even make a post about it. I did make my fair share of Minecraft hidden traps for both mobs and players.
What funny things do you or your friends search on the Internet?

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